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Steps of AutoML

The training of mljar-supervised AutoML is divided into steps. Each step represents the actions that are common in the process of searching for the best performing Machine Learning model in the ML pipeline. Below are described steps of AutoML.

Names of steps (fit_level)

The documentation uses exactly the same names as used in the code to describe each training level. You can see these names in the terminal during AutoML training.


The first step in the AutoML training is to check the simplest algorithms to get quick insights:

  • Baseline,
  • Decision Tree,
  • Linear.

One model is trained for each of the algorithms. By analyzing results of each model you can learn a lot about the analyzed dataset:

  • Baseline will provide the baseline result without complex ML involved.
    • Baseline returns the most frequent label from the training data for classification tasks.
    • Baseline returns the mean of the target from training data for regression tasks.
    • If further results are much better than Baseline results, it justify the use of Machine Learning. Take a look at tutorial with classification of random data.
  • Decision Tree will provide results for simple tree (with max_depth up to 4). The tree will be visualized with dtreeviz package, so you can easily check in the Markdown report what are the rules in the tree.
  • Linear will provide simple ML model. You can inspect coefficients of the model.

The models in this step should be quickly trained, so you will get fast intuition about your data and the solved problem.


In this step, the models are trained with default hyperparameters. Regardless of the data, the hyperparameter values used are always the same for each algorithm. In this step, you can compare the results of default models from other datasets and get intuition about your problem complexity.

The following algorithms can be fitted in this step:

  • Random Forest,
  • Extra Trees,
  • Xgboost,
  • LightGBM,
  • CatBoost,
  • Neural Network,
  • Nearest Neighbors.

There is exactly one model fitted for each algorithm in this step. (Each algorithm has one set of default hyperparameter values for each ML task).


This step performs Random Search over defined set of hyperparameters (hence the name).

The following algorithms can be fitted in this step:

  • Random Forest,
  • Extra Trees,
  • Xgboost,
  • LightGBM,
  • CatBoost,
  • Neural Network,
  • Nearest Neighbors.

For each algorithm up to start_random_models-1 models are tuned (there is -1 because one model is used in the default_algorithms step). The exact number cannot be given in advance, because in this step there can be models drawn with the same hyperparameters set, in such case the duplicate models are omitted.

For example, if you set:

automl = AutoML(algorithms=["Xgboost", "CatBoost"], start_random_models=3)

There will be trained:

  • 1 model for Xgboost and 1 model for CatBoost with default hyperparameters (default_algorithms step)
  • 2 models for Xgboost and 2 models for CatBoost with randomly selected hyperparameters (not_so_random step)

Hyperparameters set for algorithm

You can check which hyperparameters will be optimized for each algorithm in mljar-supervised code.

To skip not_so_random step

Please set start_random_models=1 in the AutoML constructor to skip not_so_random step.


Golden Features are new features constructed from original data which have great predictive power. Please see the Golden Features section in the documentation for more details about how are they constructed.

The Golden Features are constructed only once during AutoML fit. They are saved in results_path in golden_features.json file.

After creation of the Golden Features they are added to the original data and following algorithms are trained:

  • Xgboost
  • CatBoost
  • LightGBM.

There is trained 1 model for each algorithm. The hyperparameters used in the model are selected from the best performing models from previous steps (default_algorithms and not_so_random).

To skip golden_features step

Please set golden_features=False in the AutoML constructor to skip golden_features step.


This step is a first part of Feature Selection procedure. Please refer to the Features Selection section in the documentation for details.

During this step:

  • The random feature is added to the original data. (New column random_feature will appear in the data)
  • The best model is selected from previous steps and its hyperparameters are used to train model with newly inserted feature.
  • After the training, the feature importance (permutation-based) is computed (forced by setting explain_level=1).
  • Features with lower importance than random_feature are saved to drop_features.json file (available in results_path).

To skip insert_random_feature step

Please set feature_selection=False in the AutoML constructor to skip insert_random_feature step. If you disable this step, the features_selection step will be skipped as well.


This step is a second part of Feature Selection procedure. Please refer to the Features Selection section in the documentation for details.

In this step:

  • The best model for each algorithm is selected (from previous steps).
  • Its hyperparameters are reused and it is trained using only selected features.
  • If all features are important, this step will be skipped. (No models will be trained)

There are considered the following algorithms during this step:

  • Random Forest,
  • Extra Trees,
  • Xgboost,
  • LightGBM,
  • CatBoost,
  • Neural Network.

To skip features_selection step

Please set feature_selection=False in the AutoML constructor to skip features_selection step. If you disable this step, the insert_random_feature step will be skipped as well.


In the hill_climbing step the fine tuning of models is done 💪.

There can be several hill_climbing steps, they are described with counter at the end of step name. For example, hill_climbing_1, hill_climbing_2, ... The number of hill_climbing steps is controlled with hill_climbing_steps parameter in AutoML constructor.

In each hill_climbing step, the top performing models from each algorithm are tuned further. The number of selected top models is controlled with top_models_to_improve parameter from AutoML.__init__().

If a model is selected for further tuning, then only one randomly selected hyperparameter from its setting is changed. The selected hyperparameter will be changed in two directions.

How are hyperparameters fine tuned?


  • We have top model Xgboost, with max_depth=5.
  • The max_depth is selected for further tuning. The max_depth can take values from array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].
  • There will be created two new Xgboost models with max_depth=4 and max_depth=6.

To skip hill_climbing steps

Please set hill_climbing_steps=0 in the AutoML constructor to skip hill_climbing steps.


During ensemble step all models from previous steps are ensembled.

To skip ensemble step

Please set train_ensemble=False in the AutoML constructor to skip ensemble step.


In this step models are stacked (level 1).

TODO: need add more decription.

To skip stack step

Please set stack_models=False in the AutoML constructor to skip stack step.


During ensemble_stacked all models from previous steps are ensembled (stacked and unstacked models). To have this step enabled, the stack_models paramter in AutoML should be True.

To skip ensemble_stacked step

Please set train_ensemble=False in the AutoML constructor to skip ensemble step.