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How can you help?

Do you get amazing results and ML models with AutoML?

Would you like to help with mljar-supervised?

Below are described ways to help.

Star mljar-supervised in GitHub

You can give a star for the mljar-supervised repository by clicking a star ⭐ at the top right.

By adding a star, other users will be able to find this package more easily and see that it has already been useful for others. It helps!

Watch the new releases on GitHub

To be notified by email about new releases.

You can select "Releases only" in the "Watch" button (top right corner).

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Create GitHub issues

If you found a bug 🐛 or have a problem 🚧 with mljar-supervised, please create a GitHub issue. You can also suggest new features there! 👍

You can also try to help others with their issues.

Create a Pull Request 🚀

You can create a Pull Request (PR), for:

  • To fix an existing issue or bug 🐛
  • To add a new feature ✨
  • To improve documentation 📚

Join the chat on Slack!

You can join our Slack channel by clicking this invite link.

It's a place to discuss Machine Learning topics, ask ML and data questions and watch the development of AutoML.

Write a tutorial! 📚 📖

You can write a tutorial for others about how you are using AutoML. You can publish it on:

When the post is ready I would love to read it and give you feedback. I will also share it in my social accounts and paste a link in the documentation. 👍